Principals and Associates


Murray Sarafinchin, B.E.Sc., M.A.Sc., P.Eng., QPesa
Chairman and CEO, Principal Engineer

Murray is a licensed Professional Engineer, a designated Consulting Engineer and an honorary Specialist in Geotechnics with over 35 years of diverse GeoEngineering experience on over 2000 projects in 15 countries. Murray is responsible for Project Management on public and private sector projects involving geological mapping, geophysical surveys, geotechnical site investigations, environmental site assessments, site remediation, risk assessment, deep sloped and braced excavations, slope stability, deep and shallow foundations, earthfill and rockfill  dams, shafts and tunnels, pavements, mines, hydrogeological studies, contaminant migration, groundwater control and supply, construction inspection and laboratory testing, instrumentation and monitoring, advanced computer modelling, GIS mapping, mining, forensic engineering, comprehensive reporting, litigation support and expert testimony.


Cynthia Robins, P.Eng., QPesa+ra
Associate Environmental Project Manager

Cynthia is a Qualified Person (QPesa, QPra) as per Ont. Reg. 153/04 under the Environmental Protection Act, and a specialist consultant responsible for environmental and hydrogeological studies, soil and groundwater sampling and geochemical analytics, contaminant studies and site remediation, Environmental Site Assessment Phase One and Phase Two, completion of Record of Site Conditions, Designated Substances and Hazardous Waste Materials and marketing, major hydrocarbon spills, underground pipeline and storage tank removals, multiple remediation technology matrices, health and safety plans for hazardous waste remediation activities, final site decommissioning and reporting.


David Sawicki, B.Sc., P.Eng., QPesa+ra
Associate Hydrogeologist and Geological Engineer

David is a Geological Engineer and Hydrogeologist having over 40 years of experience completing a variety of groundwater related projects across Ontario. His experience includes all aspects of groundwater related investigations from landfill investigations to well/borehole decommissioning, and from Class EA studies to detailed design for infrastructure related projects.


Roosevelt Isaac, PhD, MSc., BSc., C.Eng., P.Eng., MIMM
Associate Geotechnical Engineer

Roosevelt has international experience in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering in soil and rock mechanics for the consulting and commercial industries on projects in Canada, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean with particular reference to the design and construction supervision of tunnels, micro-tunnelling, earth and rockfill dams, foundation design for multistorey structures, landslide investigations, landslide and flooding risk assessment, design of reinforced earth structures, slope stabilization using ground bioengineering techniques, retaining walls and geotextiles, geotechnical hazards, and geotechnical risk assessment.


Lawrence Pinter, B.Sc., P.Eng.
Associate Environmental Engineer, Pinter, Saskatchewan

Lawrence is a geo-environmental engineer with specific experience in environmental site assessments, contaminant remediation, landfill sitings and design, and waste management. Lawrence has been involved in a number of major petroleum hydrocarbon, agricultural chemicals, heavy metals and dioxin and furans contamination assessment and remediation projects. His project list also included the siting, design and construction of landfills, hazardous materials storage cells and a composting facility. He has been involved in the assessing and decommissioning several old dump sites and landfills. His other work in hydrology and hydrogeology as well as heavy construction has provided him with a unique combination of knowledge and practical skills. It also has provided him with a detailed understanding and sensitivity to environmental concerns. His training and experience provides Lawrence with a unique and practical perspective and approach to environment issues, problems, emergencies and challenges particularly for First Nations and Northern Saskatchewan. He has been working and consulting in the geoenvironmental sector since 1987. He has permission to consult from the engineering associations in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba.


Blasco Vijayabaskaran, B.Eng., LEED GA
Senior GeoEngineering Project Manager

Blasco is a graduate Civil Engineer with LEED and Engineer-In-Training (EIT) designation. He specializes in Geotechnical site investigations, analysis, design and reporting recommendations, environmental field surveys, construction inspection, laboratory testing for soil, rock, aggregate, concrete and asphalt plus site monitoring for public infrastructure and private sector development projects.


Elena Pazinich, M.Sc.
Senior Environmental Hydrogeologist

Since 1990, Elena has worked in the areas of hydrogeology, environmental engineering and geophysics on a wide range of projects in Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Elena has carried out a wide variety of environmental and geotechnical tasks including subsurface investigations, environmental site assessments, site remediation, hydrogeological studies, groundwater monitoring and modelling, and engineering reporting.


Stephen Darmawan BEng, MEng, MIE Aust, CP Eng
Affiliate Geotechnical Engineer, Geotesta, Australia

Stephen is a geotechnical engineer with more than 25 years of experience with extensive experience in slope stability assessment, geotechnical investigation for buildings and infrastructure developments including water mains, road embankments and cuts, road pavement designs, bridges, railways, wind farms and ports.
He has gained particular experience in geotechnical instrumentation, analysis and design including slope stability assessments, foundation and settlement analyses for commercial and civil development projects, numerical modelling and finite element geotechnical analysis, deep foundation and retaining walls, and assessment of ground subsidence and soil settlement. Stephen is a registered building practitioner (Vic) and Chartered Professional Engineer with Engineers Australia.


Affiliate Geomechanica, Toronto, Canada

Associate Principal Engineers in rock engineering, having Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto and related project experience, are our team specialists in fundamental rock mechanics, rock mechanics testing, and computational geomechanics. We recognize the stability and failure of rock is an important consideration for our client’s shaft and tunnel construction, rock slopes and excavations, dam stability, open pit and underground mining, petroleum and nuclear waste disposal, and hydraulic fracturing projects, therefore we employ realistic simulation modelling tools to model rock fracture and deformation behaviour on massive rock sites.