Surface and Underground Resources

Our senior engineering staff have worked at various mining development projects across Canada and worldwide such as Kidd Creek Mine in Timmins, Klimax Coal Mine in Saskatchewan, BMS Mine Tailings Dam in New Brunswick, Denison Mines in Elliot Lake, Syncrude Oil Sands in Alberta, Pierina in Peru, Molycorp in California, Masbate in the Philippines, Golden Giant Mine in Ontario, Rio Algom, Inco in Sudbury, Pamour Mine in Timmins, Heath Steele Mines and Mine No.12 in New Brunswick.

Our mining experience ranges from underground rock mechanics to overburden soil mechanics, surface runoff management to hydrogeology, supported underground openings to sloped open pits, mine waste management to utilization, and surface facilities to ore handling transportation routes.

For mine waste management complete services are provided from site selection, feasibility studies, design, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), permitting, tendering, construction management, operation, monitoring, decommissioning and closure. During the process various background and planning studies are conducted including budget estimates, construction documents preparation and risk assessment.

Services for underground and open pit minining are focused on mine safety and rock stability. The process involves review and design of mine layout with regard to the ore body and faulting, geology review, stress analyses, geomechanics, instrumentation and rock support review.

Mine Waste Services

Geomechanics Services