Quality Verification for Better Performance

Our engineering offices and CCIL certified testing laboratories are located near Toronto International Airport with affiliate testing laboratories worldwide.

Our laboratories use modern gauge and digital readout equipment to test air, water, soil, rock, aggregates, concrete, asphalt, building materials and contaminants and they are supported by highly qualified technicians and specialized computer hardware and software programs.

Our laboratory is certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)  for field and laboratory testing of concrete and aggregates.

We maintain membership in the Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories(CCIL) for standard and advanced asphalt testing methods in partnership with our affiliate certified laboratories, and the firm participates in various laboratory testing correlation programmes including the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
Our affiliate testing laboratories are located throughout Canada and we provide mobile testing units worldwide.
Our well equipped laboratory carries out standard and advanced testing methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).